Eel River Estuary, Humboldt County, CA
Contract Grow, Restoration Design, Revegetation Services, Maintenance, and Biological Monitoring
Cock Robin Island Restoration Project
Cock Robin Island is located within the Eel River two miles from the river mouth in Loleta, CA. Historically, much of the land on the island was used for farming and pastureland. More than half of the island is now managed by California Fish and Wildlife as wildlife refuge. In 2018, we partnered with North Coast Resource Management on a 5-acre riparian habitat restoration project to convert the non-native pastureland to native riparian forest. Our team developed the habitat restoration design and monitoring plan that included the planting of over 2,000 native shrubs and 500 riparian trees (grown by our nursery). We expanded restoration on the island in fall 2023 and planted an additional 6-acres with native riparian vegetation. We continue to manage non-native species on site and conduct annual vegetation monitoring to ensure long term success for this project.